
The homes we live in play a big role in shaping health. Health and care services are becoming increasingly aware of the crucial role housing plays in delivering better outcomes for health.

A healthy home is:

  • Affordable and offers a stable and secure base.
  • Able to provide for all the household needs
  • A place where we feel safe and comfortable
  • Connected to community, work and services

Trafford partners are working together to ensure property conditions improve, more affordable housing are developed and homelessness is reduced to improve the overall health and wellbeing of Trafford residents.

This page provides links to sources.If you have any queries, please contact housing.strategy@trafford.gov.uk

Local Authority Housing Statistics (LAHS)

This data is collected annually by government and shows district-level data which is considered essential for central and local governments to understand the housing situation and how policies affect it. The date includes:

    • -       Housing Stock
    • -       Housing Sales & Transfers
    • -       Allocations
    • -       Lettings & Nominations
    • -       Empty Properties
    • -       Property Conditions
    • -       Affordable Housing Supply

Data for the year 2022/23 is available from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

Housing Needs Assessment

A needs assessment has been carried out with regard to housing in Trafford as of 2023, and can be found on the Council website.